Hit the Relationship ReSEX Button! (Now open to individuals and couples)
Want long-term commitment AND sex? Learn how to
In this one-day workshop, we'll be working with Freya, goddess of love and conflict, to switch consciously and magically from turned off (judgment, criticism, rejection, pain, boredom, disappointment, irritation, negativity) to turned ON (fun, desire, attraction, pleasure, passion, and sex).
We'll learn to
R: take Responsibility for our own aRousal, Resetting our own energy state from self-Righteous Rejection, Rigid self-protection or iRRitating Rut to Readiness and aRousal.
E: run Energy in Expectation
S: Set up a Sexy Scene (i.e. plan a date)
E: Exchange Emotional Energy on all channels in all love languages
t-X: Tease partner to raise the eXcitement to X-static levels!
This workshop will be accessible to beginners as well as those with magical experience. We will be doing visualizations, moving energy using breathing and movement, and talking about sexuality, but the workshop does not include any sex or nudity or hard-core pagan ritual (chanting, etc.). Open to queer and straight couples and individuals.
If you are not currently experiencing this dilemma, but have in the past and/or want to avoid it in the future, this workshop is also for you!
Registration closed
10% of proceeds of this course will be donated to Equality Texas to support their political work toward equal marriage rights.