Become a Master of Magical Manifestation!
self-Mastery will be offered online soon... stay tuned!
Testimonial from a graduate, several years after her self-Mastery training:
"I've been in therapy off and on for 20 years, but it was this work that finally enabled me to heal my past and create a life I love for myself!' - Serena
The Pentacle of self-Mastery: Focus, Initiative, Equanimity, Positivity, and Openness
self-Mastery is an intense two-month course in which you will develop your magical ability to
choose your focus and maintain it
encounter the Spiritual Beings behind ordinary experience
break patterns of distraction, such as Internet addiction
align your intentions with those of your own Divine Self
strengthen your Will and free it to manifest your Divine intentions
take responsibility for your actions
map your emotional sensations accurately to energy flows through your chakras
de-escalate conflict and work skillfully with emotional triggers
"heal the past" by freeing psychic energy tied in past emotional upsets
tap into the Wild True Power of Love that creates the Universe in each moment
turn yourself "on"
become a source of love and healing rather than criticism
open to further developing your psychic powers through multiple channels
increase your ethical strength to match your growing magical power
discover the key to unlocking your own magical self-Mastery
Required magical background:
self-Mastery is rich, challenging, and valuable even for the very experienced Witch.
It is also useful for those who are fairly new to a magical path (including teenagers, with an accompanying parent)
Must have some familiarity with the Tarot and basic magical practices such as grounding and casting a circle
Pre-requisite: a foundational course in magic, such as Reclaiming's "Elements of Magic" or WildCat's online course "Creating Your Daily Magical Practice" or the equivalent in solitary study.