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If your love(r) is throwing you off balance...

Increase the divine flow of LOVE through you!

Removing blocks to the flow of LOVE from the gods through us makes it safe to open to greater flow with each other

Magical Practice: Chakra diagnostic meditation for imbalanced energy flows

Find a spot to sit comfortably with your spine straight, with or without your partner near, and settle into a trance state. You may wish to listen to the chakra meditation music video below as you move your attention from one chakra to the next (if you do, listen for the chime to indicate it is time to shift to the next chakra).

1st chakra (root) Center your focus on your root chakra. Feel the cord of energy connecting you to the Earth, pulling gently down on your perineum and/or feet, and feeding life force upwards into your energy system. Do you feel grounded and stable, able to source the energy you need to survive, feed yourself, pay your bills? Notice the cord(s) linking your root chakra to your partner. Are you grounding through them? Dependent on them for security? Threatened by their instability? Fearful? Disconnected? Or comfortably interdependent? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 2nd chakra: (sex) Move your focus to your lower pelvis and sex chakra. How does the flow of creative energy of the gods flow through you? When you feel the cord to your partner here, do you feel pleasure, desire, rejection, pain? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 3rd chakra (Solar plexus) How competent do you feel? Centered in your ability to make choices for yourself? Firm in your values, power, and identity? Now feel your flow with partner -- Do you feel connected and strengthened, or blocked? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 4th chakra. (Heart) How expansive does your heart feel? Is it open both in front and back? How does connection to partner feel? Warm, painful, numb? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 5th chakra. (Throat) Are you able to express yourself freely? Do you feel tears choked back, or words? How open are your ears to hearing the thoughts and expressions of others? Is there a free flow of truth between you and partner? Are there bitter or angry words in the air between you? Or love and respect? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 6th chakra. (Vision) Do you feel the beacon of your intuition beaming ahead and behind? Are you clearly on your path? Do you feel confused or dizzy when feeling the cord to your partner's 6th chakra? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? 7th chakra (Crown) Feel the peace completing the connection between your energy core and the gods intention for your life. Does the flow extend all the way through your center to the Earth Are there blocks to the flow? Do you feel an arching connection to your partner's crown chakra? Does it help put the previous insights in perspective? Does each flow feel generous, joyful, and free, or constricted? Do you need to make adjustments here, so that your individual flow is strong relative to the relationship cord? As you come back to consciousness, note any insights in your journal. Love and Magic, WildCat

In this trance journey (password "ecstasy"), you will work with Lakshmi, Ganesh, and Sarasvati to remove blocks to the amazingly generous flow of LOVE through you from the gods.

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